
Sunday, April 10, 2016

PowerShell Users Group Week in Review email March 26 2012

We have had a lot going with our user group behind the scenes. Though there are something I cannot go into yet, as they have not officially been penciled in, I promise: you will want to make it to the next couple of meetings. Beyond that teaser, however, I will leave it up to everyones imagination to start revving up.  As for the near future, this upcoming month Microsoft Premier Field Engineer (PFE) Gary Siepser will join the Dallas-Fort Worth PowerShell User Group Saturday, April 28th at 9am for a one hour presentation. Garys areas of expertise include Active Directory and Exchange as well as PowerShell.  You can read about Garys musings on his blog: Anyone familiar with Exchange knows Active Directory comes as part of the package, so, even if Exchange is not your main focus be sure to make it because you can get a two-for-one special out of the meeting.

Last months meeting had a good response. Almost 20 folks made it out early on a Saturday morning from 9-10am. A few hung around for the 10-11 free-for-all, but, quite a bit of good discussion was held.  To try and fine tune our times we will be changing things up again.  Instead of meeting from 9-11am we will be meeting from 8-10am to allow the .NET SIG users to go to their group at 10am.  The informal hour (8-9am) will be before the main presentation (9-10am) during which Gary will share.  If you have scripts or issues you are working on that you need a hand with feel free to send it to the group so we can get it spread around for everyone to get eyes on before you come.  We are a little over 4 weeks out from the meeting, so, we have plenty of time. Yet, you dont want to wait too long. Folks need a chance to work on whatever you have in mind to give it a fair shake.  Also, you can post on the User Group forums (members only) with problems, thoughts, questions, or, whatever might be interesting you at the moment:

Last week was relatively quiet on the PowerShell front. I suspect everyone is gearing up for the Scripting Games 2012. (Twitter hash tag #SG2012 or website: This will be my first year, but,  I am looking forward to it. Remember, the games start next Monday, so, if you are thinking about it better get your scripting hat on. The link listed above has key information on how to register, what to review, and, how to decide if the beginner or advanced category is really the one you belong in.  Regardless of what you decide to jump into doing scripts in a hurry can be a very interesting learning experience.  Check it out. We are thinking about doing intra-group competition so anyone in the group can compete against folks in the group. Keep it local. Keep it fun.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch with you use the info below. Script it up,

Will Steele 
Co-Leader of NTPCUG PowerShell SIG with Larry Weiss
Twitter: @DFW_PSUserGroup

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