public class Calculator extends JApplet implements ActionListener { int choice; double a,b, result = 0; String str; JTextField jt; JButton btn0, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6, btn7, btn8, btn9; JButton btnAdd, btnSub, btnMul, btnDiv, btnEqual, btnDot, btnCl; JPanel pn1, pn2; Container cp; public void init() // Initializing Applet & its Components { cp = getContentPane(); cp.setLayout ( new BorderLayout() ); jt = new JTextField(10); jt.setHorizontalAlignment(4); pn1 = new JPanel(); pn2 = new JPanel(); pn1.setLayout ( new FlowLayout() ); pn2.setLayout ( new GridLayout(4, 4) ); btnCl = new JButton ("Clear"); btn0 = new JButton ("0"); btn1 = new JButton ("1"); btn2 = new JButton ("2"); btn3 = new JButton ("3"); btn4 = new JButton ("4"); btn5 = new JButton ("5"); btn6 = new JButton ("6"); btn7 = new JButton ("7"); btn8 = new JButton ("8"); btn9 = new JButton ("9"); btnAdd = new JButton ("+"); btnSub = new JButton ("-"); btnMul = new JButton ("*"); btnDiv = new JButton ("/"); btnEqual = new JButton ("="); btnDot = new JButton ("."); addButtons(); addListeners(); pn1.add (jt); pn1.add (btnCl); cp.add (pn1, BorderLayout.NORTH); cp.add (pn2, BorderLayout.CENTER); jt.setText(""); }
public void addListeners() // Adding Listeners to all Components { btn0.addActionListener ( this ); btn1.addActionListener ( this ); btn2.addActionListener ( this ); btn3.addActionListener ( this ); btn4.addActionListener ( this ); btn5.addActionListener ( this ); btn6.addActionListener ( this ); btn7.addActionListener ( this ); btn8.addActionListener ( this ); btn9.addActionListener ( this ); btnDot.addActionListener ( this ); btnCl.addActionListener ( this ); btnAdd.addActionListener ( this ); btnSub.addActionListener ( this ); btnMul.addActionListener ( this ); btnDiv.addActionListener ( this ); btnEqual.addActionListener ( this ); }
public void addButtons() // Adding all Components to JPanel { pn2.add ( btn7 ); pn2.add ( btn8 ); pn2.add ( btn9 ); pn2.add ( btnDiv ); pn2.add ( btn4 ); pn2.add ( btn5 ); pn2.add ( btn6 ); pn2.add ( btnMul ); pn2.add ( btn1 ); pn2.add ( btn2 ); pn2.add ( btn3 ); pn2.add ( btnSub ); pn2.add ( btn0 ); pn2.add ( btnDot ); pn2.add ( btnAdd ); pn2.add ( btnEqual ); } public void operation(double a, double b, int op) { switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { result = a + b; break; } case 2 : { result = a - b; break; } case 3 : { result = a * b; break; } case 4 : { result = a / b; break; } default : { jt.setText("0"); break; } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) // Actions to be performed { // whenever event is triggered try { str = (String)e.getActionCommand(); if ( str = = "+" ) { a=Double.parseDouble (jt.getText()); jt.setText(""); choice = 1; } else if ( str = = "-" ) { a=Double.parseDouble (jt.getText()); jt.setText(""); choice = 2; } else if ( str = = "*" ) { a=Double.parseDouble (jt.getText()); jt.setText(""); choice = 3; } else if ( str = = "/" ) { a=Double.parseDouble (jt.getText()); jt.setText(""); choice = 4; } else if ( str = = "=" ) { b = Double.parseDouble (jt.getText()); operation(a, b, choice); jt.setText(""); System.out.println(result); } else if ( str = = "Clear" ) { jt.setText(""); choice = 0; a = b = result = 0; } else { jt.setText( jt.getText() +str ); } } catch(Exception ex) { jt.setText("Invalid Operation"); System.out.println("Invalid Operation"); } } }
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