
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What is Recycler Folder and How to remove it

You mus be wondering, Is recycler a virus? Is it a windows folder? why is it not deletable?
This article will give you a clear detail of this issue.
If you have used Windows for quite some time now then you must have seen this folder called RECYCLER. But many people don’t know what this folder is and what is it doing in the drive?

What is Recycler folder?
Recycler folder in Windows
The Recycler folder is used only on NTFS partitions and is referred to as a location where all the deleted files go after they have been deleted by the user.
Now you may be wondering if it contains the deleted files then why we have the Recycle Bin.
When a file is deleted it goes to the Recycle Bin but when the Recycle Bin is emptied, the files are stored in this Recycler folder. This is the reason why we can still restore the deleted data in the Windows.

Difference between Recycle Bin and Recycler:
Recycle Bin stores the file that are deleted from the computer until it is emptied completely whereas the Recycler folder contains a Recycle Bin for each user that logs on to the computer.
Recycled Folder:
Recycler Virus
This is something different than the Recycler folder as Recycled is same as Recycle Bin. That is both Recycled and Recycle Bin are just two different names for the same memory location.
How to delete Recycler Folder:
Recycler is a read only folder and that is why it gave error if you tried to delete it. To view the folder, go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View tab and uncheck the option of Hide Protected operating System Files.
Now just right click on the folder, go to Properties and unselect the option of Read Only. Now it can be deleted.

Recycler Virus:
There has been identified a virus with the same name that is Recycler.exe which should not be confused with the Recycler folder.

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