
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Using your RPi2 for Valentines Day

Thought I would share something cool I did with my Raspberry Pi that others might like for Valentines day.

I basically had a lot of devices sitting around that I realized I could amalgamate together for a good Valentines day surprise for my girlfriend.

First off I had my robotic bartender (bottender), which you can see in my Hackaday projects page.
I modified it so that it would pour wine on command.

Next I had a set of WeMo light switches that you can get here:

Belkin WeMo Light Switch, Wi-Fi Enabled

These are really nicely made. They are easy to install WiFi-enabled and it is easy to interface with them using our custom API.
I found a nice API for the wemo light switches here.
In the end though, I ended up creating a simple shell script API that uses CURL. You can see mine on github here.

I set up my WeMo light switch to control my bedroom fan. Then I sprinkled the top with rose petals.
Connecting this all together, I have a button on my phone that turns the fan on, sprinkling rose petals down, and turns bottender on, pouring two glasses of wine. Resulting in this:

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Consider donating to further my tinkering since I do all this and help people out for free.

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